Thiosultap - Sodium: 700g/kg Acetamiprd: 50g/kg.
Attributes | Components |
Pack | 45g |
Pack | 200g |
Pack | 350g |
Active Ingredient: Acetamiprid 50g/L + Thiosultap Sodium 700g/kg.
Acetamiprid: is belong to the Neonicotinic pesticide, which is the same as Nicotin but Acetamiprid is more durable and broad-spectrum than Nicotin. The neonicotinic acts on the acetylcholine connection site of the Nicotinic AcetylChonil receptor as a stimulant, eventually paralyzing and dead insects. Acetamiprid is absorbent and transportant pesticide, it exterminates insects by exposure and mouth. Useful for kill: Young insects of Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera and specifically for eliminating aphids, plant hopper on many different crops, by soil treatment or spraying on plants. The drug can be used to kill termites.
Thiosultap Sodium: Active insecticide with exposure and by mouth, that is weak respiratory toxicity, weak absorbent and transportant effect, broad spectrum. It kills insect eggs, preventing many Leaf-miner, Sucking Mouthparts and Stem Borer on many crops. Thiosultap Sodium can kill insect in the ground. In the body of insects, the drug prevents the reception of nerve impulses in post-xinap.
Goldan is compaired by two chemicals with different insecticidal mechanisms, but they have a mutual effect to increase the effect of insecticide and expand control subjects.
Active ingredient Acetamiprid is intracellularly absorbed and transportation to all parts of the plant, It eliminates insects where aqueous solutions and insecticides cannot reach directly.
Acetamiprid exists in a tree resin, ready to eradicate the next generation or from another place. Therefore, Goldan 750WP eradicates insects radically and persistently.
Thiosultap Sodium has the effect of exposure, toxic taste. Insects are killed immediately after exposure with Goldan 750WP. Therefore, Goldan 750WP is very suitable for eliminating insects and preventing pests. Only with Goldan 750WP product, almost all of insects are killed.
May be mixed with other drugs except alkaline products.
Control objects:
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Black twig borer | Stem Borer on the Avocado |
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MealyBug: Coffea, Avocado, Pepper, Cashew, Macadamia, Durian, ... | Thrips: Coffea, Avocado, Pepper, Cashew, Macadamia, Durian, ...
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Mosquito bugs: Coffea, Avocado, Pepper, Cashew, Macadamia, Durian, ... | |
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Aphids: Avocado, Macadamia. | Green planthopper: Avocado, Durian, Macadamia. |
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Brown planthopper: Rice | Gold-dust weevil: Mango, Avocado, Cashew, Macadamia. |
Pre-Harvest Interval: 7 days.